Wednesday, September 29, 2010

La Huelga

Today I only had one of my two classes.  The other class, held in the Universidad de Sevilla, was cancelled due to the strike.  I have been to all of my classes now, and they seem great!  My professor of finances is a bit hard for me to understand, but I am sure it will get better with each class.  I also have spent more time with Spaniards (other intercambios I met at the introduction fiesta), and have really been trying to improve my comprehension.  Right now I am watching Spanish television--a gameshow--in another listening exercise for me.  The contestant answers questions while hooked up to a lie detector...the last question was "have you had sexual relations with your siblings?"  Finally, I will know how to ask people all of the things that I have been dying to know!   If anyone is looking for a good movie, I recommend "Mujeres al Borde de un Ataque de Nervios"--entertaining Spanish film.  I have found that working on vocabulary through translations is the absolute worst way to learn.  Being immersed in the language and culture is so great, helpful, enlightening...not sure what the appropriate word is--but it is the way to learn!  I also spent most of last night with Marga (my host sister) and her friends.  I have now added a lot of really useful Spanish expressions to my vernacular!

As I mentioned, today was the general strike in Spain.  It was the first general strike in 8 years.  Except for a few stores being shut and one small demonstration, it really wasn't even apparent here.  We did talk about it in my class; I learned that the government gives the royal family 10 million euros every year, so they can live like royalty (evidently, I was not born into the right family ;).  Also, once you get a government job, you are entitled to it for the rest of your life!  Unless you commit some grave error, you will NEVER lose your job.  It would be cool if we instated that in America.  Maybe Obama could run the country for a lot longer, then!  I actually was quite sad I missed seeing the President speak in Madison yesterday.

Tonight I have to eat dinner (it is 9:44 PM, so we will probably eat within an hour), and go to bed.  Tomorrow I have classes and then the weekend begins!  I have a few fun adventures around Sevilla this weekend--Carmona and another day in Cadiz.

I booked a trip to Brussels and Amsterdam over Halloween, super excited for this!!

Now I've got to go!  New contestant on the show...wonder if he's slept with his brother!?

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